Saturday, 25 February 2017

Still Underweight?

Nowadays being underweight is a no lesser urgent issue than being tubby and overweight. Though, this  is not picked up for discussion as often as the later, it still remains a prominent under-solved fitness problem. We have seen people reporting inability to attain weight and size even after eating ample food. One more time this post shall serve as a purpose-built informant throwing light on some weight management fundamentals within the Weight Gain periphery. 

Here you won't find magic tips to gain weight but this post should make the readers well informed about weight management, post which they can  themselves be able to decide between false claims and real results.

What Body Type Are You?

There is simple law to weight gain and it is simpler than any other universal law. If you are consuming in more energy than you spend round the day, you are undoubtedly on the path to gain weight provided you don't exhibit a medical condition. Now on this some intellectuals quote "Ectomorphs can not gain weight because they have a fast running metabolism". Not to deny their expertise, metabolism* is not the sole determiner of whether you are to be put in the Ectomorph, the Mesomorph or the Endomorph category. For the uninformed readers, these three terminologies are used to determine the three body types thin, athletic built and over-sized respectively.

The most basic criteria for judging the body type into these groups would be skeletal structure of your body which you can not change no matter what. Ask yourself a question now. Can your skeletal structure prevent you from gaining weight? Not at all. This makes neither sense nor science. 

Do You Really Eat Enough?

Several people claim to be eating enough, yet not growing in size and weight. If you fall in this category and think you can not grow bigger, you definitely need to reconsider your thought. OK hold that thought for a while. Do you really think you eat enough? If you say yes, I have another couple of questions for you.

How often do you eat enough and How do you exactly know that it is really enough ?Let me break it to you that be it weight gain or weight loss, it requires patience provided you want to proceed with your health and wellness intact. An adequate diet according to your target has to be taken in and it needs to be done in a sustainable pattern. You need to find out your maintenance calories. This has already been discussed in the previous post. You can find it over here. Once you have your maintenance calories on paper, it is advisable to set a caloric surplus of 10-15% to it and plan your diet accordingly. This may sound uneasy but it's not that difficult if you are determined. There is also a simpler workaround that I would recommend for those who find it difficult to deal with calories and measurements. There is also a simpler workaround that I would discuss here for those who find it difficult to deal with calories and measurements. Most of us are quite monotonous in our eating pattern. Supposedly if you eat rice for lunch, you would find yourself eating rice for lunch at least 5 times a week. Assuming that you eat 4 meals a day, now instead of calculating extra calories, you can simply add an extra meal into your daily list. This will be handy only if you are monotonous and continuous with those 4 daily meals. Even though this method sounds easy, I would suggest everyone to go with the first method because being monotonous in diet can't be considered healthy. It may leave your body deprived of certain necessary minerals and vitamins.

The Healthier And Preferable Way To Grow Big

When you want to grow big in size and weight, what you should look forward to is gaining more of muscular mass instead of building fat deposits around your body. It's not just about increasing your caloric intake. If you want to do it the best way, you need to decide where to get those extra calories from. Clearly, an extra meal containing some brown rice, lentils and some green veggies would be a better pick over pizza slices or donuts. 

Also, when it comes to weight management, resistance training has always proved to be an adequate aid from the arsenal of fitness. Training with weights is not just limited to gaining muscle mass, in unison it can help restoring strength and endurance over the years. Substantially, the noteworthy conclusion cut short, in order to gain weight you must habituate a caloric surplus and undergo weight training both at the same time. Make sure you eat enough and essentially eat enough daily. Train with weights heavy enough to make you feel stretch in your muscles but make sure your workout session isn't too long. You do not want to burn calories in excess but your aim should be to stretch the skeletal muscle fibers for growth. When you break your muscle fibers while exercising and feed yourself with dietary protein (eggs, chicken breast, milk, lentils, sprouts, nuts, oats etc.) and some good carbohydrates you subsequently gain weight as muscle mass. 

Feel free to leave your question below in the comment box in case you get stuck with any doubt. Any query shall be answered as early as possible.

  • Metabolism: The process which consumes/burns energy to feed the life sustaining activities inside the human body.

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