Why is that when we look around, we rarely see a fit and fine person amid the crowd? When you spot a bunch of muscular guys strolling around you know there has to be a gym somewhere in the vicinity. Neither are we accustomed to a healthy lifestyle nor it is natural for us to find people in good shape around us. Why? Some of us won't even consider wondering why or perhaps we have already assumed that we are running short of time. Are you among those who've got no time for gym?
Let's start with things that span higher on the priority scale. Let's try to dig into the real problem. Where does the time actually go? Does anyone know? Why are we so busy? Are we really busy or is this a hallucinating question in itself?
What's the deal with Time and Money?
'Time is Money'. I don't really know whether to go by this adage or just laugh it out. This old proverb is accredited to Benjamin Franklin and highly suggests how important it is to spend time judgmentally. I am afraid it not only extols the virtues of time but also glorifies the value of money to such an extent that the health factor is straightaway thrown out of the equation. It seems like the world has taken Franklin's words literally thereby embracing a lifestyle that entirely fails to provide for anything except the monetary aspects of life .
How do you decide whether you've got time for something or not? Typically, you would make an abrupt presupposition of everything into a sorted list and assign a "No Time Available" tag to the things that fall at the bottom of your list. Apparently, the occupation that earns you livelihood stays to be the most important walk of life but there needs to be some room for something as crucial as your own health. Don't you agree? Obviously you do but the question isn't complete. Amid multitudinous fitness FAQs, questions on losing or gaining weight, the question that needs to be addressed before anything else is how to fine-tune the daily routine and make room for good health. No matter how much you earn and stockpile, if you keep disregarding your health, you would probably end up handing over a big part of it to your doctor or maybe you'd shell it out on medical bills over the long run .
How do you fine-tune your lifestyle?
No! we don't do it to save money on medical bills. If you ask me, going to the gym is a fun and it helps me to keep fit. How satisfying is that? Fun out of fitness, what else do you wish for? Admittedly, it may not be fun for you and yes, you can comfortably choose to include in your regime any physical activity that sounds or feels exciting to you. Let's say you've never been physically active. How do you start?
Rome wasn't built in a day. Bear in mind, great things need time and patience. Start with a 20 minute morning walk or maybe do that in the evening or why not after your dinner. If it suits you it's good to go. Once you start, you would know that the only barrier that was stopping you was not getting your butt off the couch. Keep going for days and gradually you should feel comfortable with the current level of activity. This is when you know you need to level up your game. You may try running for 10 minutes and then walk for the other 10. I am just fabricating examples here, you need not copy this one hundred percent but keep in mind you need to step out of your comfort zone.
Leveling up your game

I often see a lot of people (people of all ages) taking a stroll in the park or within their residential premises. Chances are you might have been doing the same. People would often give up on this if no significant result shows up to their expectations. Have you ever wondered why people walking around in the park keep looking the same even after months? I would point out two possible reasons. It could be diet mismanagement or a changeless routine. I have already talked about how diet plays a crucial role in previous posts. For this post we shall take into consideration the importance of continuous change in the plan.
You need to continuously keep stepping out of your comfort zone as this is how you would guarantee yourself more strength and better results overtime. Another reason why I would suggest gradual change for the first timers is you'd find it hard to manage your time if asked to workout for an hour. On the other hand, if you start with a 20 minute walk, you definitely won't complain falling short of time.A good example could be 20 minute walk > 10 minute running + 10 minute walk > > 15 minute running + 15 minute walk >>> Once you're able to squeeze in 30 healthy minutes into your regime, you'd probably like to hit the gym for 40 minutes or so.
Everything that has been said and discussed is irrelevant until you realize the importance of keeping fit and healthy. Start believing that you won't get time for anything unless you make time. Find company to get started but don't be a spoilsport in case you don't find any. Take the first step and start making time because even the hardest earned wealth won't get you your health back .
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